Copyright holder

According to the Terms of Use and DMCA, the site does not post copyrighted content and related rights (including distribution rights) belonging to other persons or entities. If such content is placed on the pages of the website, the copyright owner has the right to ask the authorities to solve the problem.


There are several options to solve the problem:
1. Replace the link of the existing application with the application provided by the copyright owner. At the same time, it will display a chopped copy of the full app or the full app but with ads.
2. The link to the app is replaced by a link to Google Play, Amazon Appstore or the app’s official website.
3. Remove all links to the app from the website.


To do so, the copyright holder must confirm his or her rights to the application posted on the website. There are several methods for this:
1. Write to the site administration by e-mail listed on the official website of the application or the company involved in the release of the application.
2. Write to the site administration using the e-mail listed in the attachment.
3. Send the scanned documents to the site administration to confirm the copyright of the application.
4. On the official website of the app or the company that makes the app, you should create a .txt file named, and then send its link to the site admin.


To contact the site’s administration, please use the feedback link, located in the basement of the site.


The site administration will respond within 48 hours.